Monday, May 28, 2012

Concert 'Play! FT Island 'Success with 8,000 Tickets Sold Out in 10 Minutes Time

On 26 May, FT Island concert "Play! FT Island "in Taiwan and success with 8,000 tickets sold out in just 10 minutes at a timeFT Island shows a strong influence in Asia.
On occasion, FT Island brought their famous songs like, "I Hope", "Love Love Love", "Neverland", "Confession" and many others for a total of 20 pieces of songs to accompany the loyal fans of FT Island that night.
When the encore there are interesting events which had made the FT Island member is thrilled when fans raised placards in rangkah celebrate the fifth anniversary of FT Island.
On this, FT Island expressed their feelings by saying, " We are very grateful for the spirit of the fans gave Taiwan. We are also very impressed with the surprise event. We will always remind ourselves to work harder in return to thank our fans but, in Taiwan this concert we went back again to receive a lot of love from you guys. We are very happy ".

Junsu Returning to Korea From Bangkok
